Warhammer Fantasy 6th Edition House Rules

Warhammer Fantasy 6th Edition House Rules

House Rules for use with Warhammer Fantasy Battles 6th Edition

~ 8 minute read

House Rules


Monstrous Infantry

The monstrous infantry category covers things like Trolls, Ogres and Minotaurs - creatures that are man- shaped and fight on foot, but are two or three times the size of normal infantrymen.For the most part, monstrous infantry work exactly the same as normally infantry (i.e. follow the standard rules) but have a couple of extra facets to represent just how massive they are.

  • Stomp!

    A model with this special rule can make a Stomp in addition to its other close combat attacks. A Stomp has the Always Strikes Last special rule, and inflicts 1 automatic hit, at the model's Strength, on one enemy infantry, war beasts or swarm unit in base contact with the model. This represents the creature crushing the foe beneath its ponderous feet, or knocking their broken bodies aside with one sweep of its mighty tail (probably while it's roaring in a most intimidating fashion).

  • Monstrous Ranks

    As monstrous infantry are so much larger than normal troops, they require fewer warriors to fill out a rank. Where most troop types need four/five models for the rank to count towards rank bonus, and so on, a unit composed purely of monstrous infantry needs only three models. Essentially, wherever the rules say 'a rank of four/five or more models' treat it as reading 'a rank of three or more models'.

Monstrous Cavalry

Just as horse-sized beasts can be pressed into service as mounts, so can their monstrous cousins. Such monstrous cavalry are incredibly rare, as most such creatures are so strong-willed that great patience (or violence) is needed to break them to the point at which they can safely be used as a mount. This combination of mass and stubborn muscle makes regiments of monstrous cavalry a much-feared force upon the battlefields of the Warhammer world.

All the cavalry rules apply to monstrous cavalry, with exceptions:

– monstrous cavalry always use the highest Toughness and Wounds characteristics the model has, rather than automatically using the rider's. (this will often mean that the model uses the mount's Toughness and Wounds characteristics.)

Monstrous Cavalry use all the same new rules that apply to Mounstrous Infantry above.


  • Reverse Movement

    A unit may move up to 2 inches straight backwards. The unit may perform no other movement action during the turn. The unit may not shoot, as it takes a lot of concentration to move backwards while staying in formation. Though a wizard in a unit may still cast spells.

  • Fire & Flee

    If a charged unit is equipped with missile weapons and the chargers are more than half their charge move away from them, then troops can shoot at chargers before turning around to flee. In effect, the fire & flee option is a combination of both stand & shoot and flee.

    Work out the unit’s shooting immediately - refer to the Shooting section for rules on missile weapons. Once the unit has fired it must flee unless its fire halts the charge, as can happen if the enemy panics as a result of casualties suffered. If the charge is successfully halted the shooters will stand instead. See the Panic section for rules regarding the effect of casualties.

    Unless the chargers are halted by their fire, the unit must flee after it has shot, in which case it turns tail and runs as described above for fleeing. The only difference is the number of dice rolled to see how far the unit runs is reduced by one to represent the time spent shooting. A unit with a move of 6” or less will therefore flee 1D6” and a unit with a move over 6” will flee 2D6”.

  • Shieldwall

    Units on foot with shields may form a shieldwall instead of moving. As long as the unit is in a shieldwall, all enemy attacks from the front of the unit (shooting and close combat) suffer a -1 to hit modifier. The unit benefits from the shieldwall as long as it doesn’t move (even from giving ground) or lose a round of close combat. Characters on foot in a unit with Shieldwall gain the benefits as well.


  • Power Dice

    There are two types of power dice, those that belong to each Wizard and those that are in a common pool of power dice and can be shared by all the wizards in the army.

    At the start of the magic phase, the player's Wizards draw magical energy from the winds of magic, each in proportion with their level of mastery.

    The player whose turn it is gives one dice to each first level wizard, two dice to each second level wizard, three dice to each third level wizard, and four dice to each fourth level wizard in his army.

    Fleeing models and those that are not on the table do not generate any power dice. These dice belong only to the wizard that generated them; no other wizard may use them.

    After doing this, the player makes up his pool of power dice. This pool consists of two power dice, plus any power dice that are added to it by magic items or other special rules. The dice in the pool do not belong to any specific Wizard and can be tapped into and used by any of the Wizards in the player's army.


  • Volley Fire

    A unit with a weapon that can volley fire can choose to Volley Fire instead of making a normal shooting attack.

    If it does so, the entire second rank of models are allowed to shoot. Models on a hill who elect to volley fire can use the third rank if they have one. When firing from subsequent ranks the range is from the front of the rank that fires. So the second or third rank may not be able to reach when the first rank can.

    A unit cannot Volley Fire if it moved earlier in the turn, or as a Stand & Shoot/Fire & Flee reaction.

    The following weapons allow for volley fire: Bows (short, long, etc), Crossbows (of all kinds)

Close Combat

  • Fighting Withdrawal

At the end of a round of hand-to-hand combat, if the combat is drawn or the unit has passed a break test it may choose to perform a fighting withdrawal.

To perform a fighting withdrawal, the player first declares they are withdrawing from combat. The opposing player gets one free attack against that unit. After the attack and wounds are allocated, the withdrawing unit may begin to move away. The player withdrawing rolls 2D6, and adds these two rolls together (Note: the withdrawing player may ignore the lower dice roll if they want). Move the unit away from the enemy 2D6 inches (optionally may ignore lower dice roll.). The unit should face away from the enemy unit. After moving the unit they are allowed a free reform.

Units that are frenzied, Stupid, or Undead may not perform a fighting withdrawal.

  • Supporting Attacks

    A model can make a supporting attack if it is directly behind a friendly model that is itself fighting an enemy in base contact with its front arc.

    Supporting attacks cannot be made to the side or rear. Nor can they be made by models that are in base contact with enemies, they must fight the more immediate foe.

    Of course, a warrior making a supporting attack is rather more constricted by the press of bodies than one who is face to face with his foe. To represent this, a model making a supporting attack can only ever make half their total number of attacks, to a minimum of one, rounding down.

    Supporting attacks are made against models in base contact with the front rank model that is being fought ‘through’. If the front rank model is in base contact with two or more enemies with different profiles, the attacking player can choose which model to direct the supporting attack against (before dice are rolled).

    It is important to note that the rule for spears should be adjusted from two ranks to three ranks can fight when using this rule.

  • Push Forward/Give Ground

    When a unit wins a round of combat, after the losing unit takes and passes their break test, the winning unit may elect to push forward if their unit strength is greater than or equal to their opponent’s unit strength. If they elect this, the losing unit has to give ground. To simulate a unit giving ground, move the losing unit backwards D3 inches. Then align, and move the winning unit forward into the combat so the two units are in base contact again.

    Only combats with all units facing each other’s forward arcs may push forward and/or give ground. A unit who elects to push forward may not lap round in the same turn. Flanking units may not push forward as units who are flanked can not give ground.

    In addition only units on foot of comparable size, or larger may push forward. For example Man sized units (e.g. Orcs, Men, Goblins, Dwarfs, etc) may push forward against each other. As well as larger units against smaller units (e.g. Ogres against Men, Trolls against Dwarfs). Single models may never push forward or give ground when in combat with another single model regardless of size.

    Units may never give ground into another unit. If a roll would force a unit, that is giving ground, to be unable to keep their formation (woods, water features, buildings, cliffs, etc) then they cannot give any more ground.

    Some units, creatures, and special rules never allow for giving ground, but these types may still elect to push forward. The following rules prevent giving ground: Frenzy, Stubborn, Unbreakable, Undead

  • Insane Courage

    Occasionally, in the middle of a battle, the humblest regiment can be filled with steely courage and discipline and decide to stand their ground, no matter the odds! Such unpredictable occurrences are represented in the game by the Insane Courage Rule. This simply means that if a unit rolls a double 1 for its Break test, it will always stand its ground, regardless of how badly they have lost the fight.

  • Extra Ranks

    This rule should be modified in the following way.

    For Regiments made up of man sized models or smaller (any models on 20mm bases) if their formation is a unit at least five models wide then you may claim a bonus of +1 for each rank behind the first at the start of a round of close combat, up to a maximum of +3. The bonus can be claimed for an incomplete last rear rank so long as it contains at least five models.

    For Regiments made up of Orc sized models (any models on 25mm bases) if their formation is a unit at least four models wide then you may claim a bonus of +1 for each rank behind the first at the start of a round of close combat, up to a maximum of +3. The bonus can be claimed for an incomplete last rear rank so long as it contains at least four models.

    For Regiments made up of Monstrous Infantry or Mounstrous Cavalry (any models on 40mm wide bases) if their formation is a unit at least three models wide then you may claim a bonus of +1 for each rank behind the first at the start of a round of close combat, up to a maximum of +3. The bonus can be claimed for an incomplete last rear rank so long as it contains at least three models.

6th edition
house rules